Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mindset is 90%

How you think about something is quite important. Could you actually make something that seems difficult or no fun seem enjoyable by just changing your mindset or attitude? One of my favorite quotes of all time is from a preacher by the name of A.W. Tozer. He says that, "What I believe about God is the most important thing about me." My thoughts don't change who God truly is but my thoughts of Him make a difference in regards to how I live my life for Him. How I view God is important.

Not to put running and theology on a similar plane, but making the point that our thoughts are important.

Amber and I were having a discussion the other day and I said, "I have NO hobbies." She told me that music is something I love and is a hobby. Yeah, I do and yeah it is, but it is also what I do for a vocation. I don't always want to go home and pick up a guitar and be creative. Then she said, "running is your hobby." At first I laughed, on the inside as to not laugh at her. :) But then I thought, yeah, that is right. Running can be my hobby. All the sudden it didn't seem like torture or a means to an end. It is my hobby. I might not be good at it but I am reading, reasearching, and most importantly running. It is my new hobby!