Monday, August 31, 2009

Half way check in

Here we are. I started three weeks ago with some 6 week goals. Today I started my 4th week. The results are in and honestly, not that thrilled.

I have lost 1 pound. Not at all what I expected. I have spent more time in the gym and more consistently than ever. So, I will not come up with excuses. Just know that I need to do some tweaking.

I think my workouts are good. I am burning calories. I think my adjustments need to be in the eating area. I opted to not go on a "diet" but to just control portions. I have done that for the most part. But I think I need to be more strict with myself. I still refuse to "diet." I just need to go back to being aware of my food intake and how much I eat. I also need to drink more water.

Overall, at the half way check in I would say it has been successful. I am in the habit of working out. That is good. I have somewhat watched my food. Just need to do more. Hopefully tangible results with follow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I thought I was prepared....

The last few weeks has been good. I have made the commitment to work out four times a week, watching what I eat. Things have been good. Maybe too good. I think I was starting to slip into a sense that everything was okay. I had lost the urgency of my problem (refer to first blog and the term MORBIDLY OBESE)

Today I worked out with Missy. She is my trainer. We met at the park for about 45 minutes. She led me through a workout of running/walking, jumping rope, lunges, crunches, and a really hard exercise that I don't remember the name of at the moment (involving falling to the ground, shooting my legs back, doing a push up and jumping back up not easy to do for a big boy) and some other stuff. It was a good workout. I was tired, out of breath, and my heart was racing. But it was a good kind of tired. I appreciate Missy for doing it.

Got me to thinking though. As I drove away I thought, "you know that would have been so much easier 100lbs lighter. I bet if I work harder through the week, it will have a dramatic effect on the really hard days with Missy. My body won't try to reject working so hard; I will be more flexible; My lungs will not think they are going to explode." Yeah, I'm sure it will help.

Sorry to get all spiritual on ya here, but here was my other thought. We often come to church on a Sunday morning and sometimes singing songs seems so comfortable and casual. Praying and spending time in mediation on a Sunday morning can seem awkward at times. I bet that if we worshipped (sang, prayed, spent time in scripture and mediation) it would make Sundays more powerful. It wouldn't seem so "different" but just something we are used to doing except this time on Sunday we join with other believers as a body. Yeah, I'm sure it will help.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Beginning of week 3

Okay, so I started off this week right. I was in the gym this morning and took care of all I need to do. I feel like really working hard this week. Really doing some sweating. I think it is working. I FEEL better. I have some energy...I sleep better. Although, I think going Mon-Thursday and having Fri-Sun off is not going to work. I need to figure out something for those days.

So at the end of this week, it will mark half way through the 6 week goals. I will weigh in on Monday. Goals - 10 pounds, 2 inches, 10 push ups, habit of drinking water

Monday, August 17, 2009


Mondays are a great day for me. It feels like a new start. Today I began with excitement to keep up with the commitment. I made it to the Y by 7 and did my prescribed workout. Now to drink my water and watch what I eat. Good day! Im excited.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day three and four of working out

Well, this week didnt go to schedule but that is fine. I got my 4 workouts in this week. I had to just run the treadmill the last two times. I am SO looking forward to getting our family back on schedule next week. Now we are past the fair, concerts, retreats, and too much extra stuff. Looking forward to dropping Eden off for school and heading straight to the Y.

I haven't done the BEST with my diet and water the past few days. I need a plan. When left to last second I don't make the best choices. This actually could be carried over in many areas of life. When left to the last second, I usually eat bad, spend money, and don't do what I really want to do. Hmmmm.....will have to work on that one.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

day two didnt happen...lesson learned

So I slept in a bit day two but had a plan. I brought clothes to church so that I could work out before going home. Well, ministry and life happened. An emergency trip to KC was needed instead.

Okay, so I learned that as much as I hate it, early morning is the ONLY time I can lay complete claim to. Also, when life happens, BECAUSE IT DOES, don't sweat it, just get right back to doing what you need to do.

SO, with that in mind...I'm leaving for the Y right now!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A New Day

I started my trek today. I got to the Y about 8. Biked, lifted, walked. I feel great.

Starting weight is 312.8 pounds.
Goal by September 21st is 302.8

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tomorrow morning is the beginning

Just for some accountability...I will be hitting the gym about 7:30ish in the morning. Day 1. I'm excited. The workout is only half of it. Have to stick to the eating healthy too. Let you know how it goes in the morning, as well as starting weight.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

2 more days...

So I am two days away from beginning my new life. Today is going to be a heat index of 101 and we are going to the Town and Country Fair in Washington, MO. It is a big deal here. At first I thought I would probably sweat off a few pounds but since I have two days until I "start" I think me eating some fair food will cancel out the sweating. Waffle Ice Cream Sandwiches, Turkey legs, roasted corn on the cob, popcorn, cotton candy, pork steak sandwiches. Okay, I won't eat them all because if I did I would probably spend $100.

2 more days!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Trying To Be A Loser?

No, I haven't lost my mind. No, you don't need to worry about me slipping into depression. I WANT to be a loser. Yep, I'm going on record saying that I am a touch overweight. Okay, this is supposed to be a journal of my journey so let's be honest. I am what is medically defined as morbidly obese. There I said it.

I have tried to lose weight throughout my life. Why is this time different? Because I feel like I am finally grasping the idea of it being a lifestyle change. I also have a dear friend that will be giving me help in the training process. Honestly, I want this for me. But I want this for my family as well.

My wife, Amber is amazing. Her love for me, I have never doubted. I want to be the best husband I can be for her. I want to be the most attractive husband I can be for her. She is a mover...she is not content to just chill and hang out. She likes to do stuff. I want to be in a healthy condition so that I can do things with her (play tennis, go on walks, hikes) with better energy now and continue to do so the older I get. I want good health for me FOR her. I want to do all I can do to live as many days as God grants us together. We vowed to love each other until we die. I don't want that end to come because of my poor choices. Remember, I am MORBIDLY obese.

I also have three children. Eden, 6, Eli almost 4, Tobe 1.5. I want to be have the energy and health to go and play with them. I remember playing catch with my Dad in the backyard. Those were precious times for me. I want the same for them. I want to set a healthy lifestyle for them. I want to see them play sports or music in school. I want to see them graduate. I want to give my daughter away in marriage, when she is 28 :-), I want to see my boys find their wives. I want to see grandchildren.

Will this be easy? Absolutely not. I have failed at this many times. Will I fail this time? Oh, I will make bad decisions, maybe skip an exercise day or eat an extra piece of cheesecake or another braut. But this time that won't spell failure. I will just let it go and get back on the healthy lifestyle.

I need your help though. If you received an invitation to this blog that means you are someone that I consider to be a close friend. I will be completely honest (including my start date weight). I will keep nothing back. I will need the encouragement from you to keep going.

Start date: Monday August 10. First few sets of goals...over the course of six weeks I want to lose 10 pounds, two inches, drink 4 liters of H2O each day, do 10 push-ups and maybe a few more small goals. I will let you know what I weigh as of Monday.

Here we GO! I am SO excited.